Wednesday, December 30, 2009

En Las Montañas (Unfinished Read)

This is definitely out of the ordinary for me!

Summary: Harry and Lucius are stuck with each other in a foreign land. Unwilling at first, they stick together and try to get along. Time passes & things happen. Do they have enough time, or is slipping away already?

Pairing: Harry/Lucius
Location: (here)
Rating: M (?)
Length: 57K, 17 Chapters
Time Period: War-Era
Status: Complete

Alright, so I haven't finished it yet. I'm actually only to chapter 8, but I really think I need to mention something. I don't know why, but I suddenly got this ridiculous urge to read Harry/Lucius after contemplating a Slytherin!Harry a few days ago. But nine times out of ten, I got these darn stories... All about threesomes with Snape. Ew. Not my forte, so I decided to give En Las Motañas by Furor Scribiendi a shot. Just for a taste of some H/L, as I don't think I've ever really ventured into the pairing before (:O).

Well, I'm not really sure about it. The story, as well as the pairing. It's all, HP/LM/SS, or Harry's been defeated and is a plaything, or Lucius wants a slave... That's what I'm getting from It's like, one of my favorite stories is a top!Lucius fic with Hermione, but it's not really AU/OOC... They are just like they are in canon. But for some reason, pairing Harry with Lucius makes him an instant slave, servant, mpreg, or threesome with Uncle Sev.

Moving on. This fic, thus far, is nothing like that. It was the only one I could find that wasn't the regular plots I've found so far... But it's not really my favorite. It's written okay (almost perfect grammar and spelling), but that's it. The plot is kinda loose, I don't actually see where this is going, and the two went from hating eachother to laughing to super fluff overnight. But in that false way. Like, not like those D/Hr Marriage Law fics where they hate eachother but work it out, but in the "I hate you... but I guess I don't care anymore 'cause I've had this secret thing for you... So now lets spill our deepest-ness and spoon." Really driving me nuts there. I think, about a year ago, this fic might have gotten a pretty gentle review, but my pickiness abounds!

And it's rated M! But she clearly states at the beginning of the fic, that they might just *kiss* because of's rules. I don't know about you, but I've read some pretty randy fics on FFN!

The sequel, Come the Maëlstrom can be found (here).


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